All our programmes are devised to reflect our core values below:
Welcoming Families
Programmes are based in homestay. Whatever the composition of the family, we judge them first and foremost on how much time they spend talking to their guests and the welcome they provide.
Some of our families have been with us for over twenty years. New hosts soon gain in confidence with our support and guidance and enjoy talking to more experienced host families at social events.
Local Community Integration
The local community is at the heart of everything we do, be it face-to-face or virtual. We like to integrate students as much as possible and to give back to the community. We have successful partnerships with excellent local schools and community groups.
We take great pride in engaging local, qualified, and experienced providers for our chosen activities and workshops, and in offering local teenagers the opportunity to broaden their horizons by meeting the overseas students.
Transparency & Accountability
Trust and communication with travel agents and leaders is of paramount importance. Every group has a homestay contact, the local organiser, who liaises with head office. We are open to suggestions and feedback and are proactive in ensuring high standards of programme delivery.
Students score the hosts according to various criteria, such as how much they spoke to them. We monitor and intervene if necessary. This feedback is openly discussed with the group leader during the stay.
Gwen receives a thank you card
Happy Students
Visited in 2016
Hosting has become a way of life for us, my children welcome the students with open arms